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人教版九年级全册unit11 Sad movies make me cry. SectionB 3a-selfcheck.第5课时课件

人教版九年级全册unit11 Sad movies make me cry. SectionB 3a-selfcheck.第5课时课件 详细介绍:

人教版九年级全册unit11 Sad movies make me cry. SectionB 3a-selfcheck.第5课时课件

人教版九年级全册unit11 Sad movies make me cry. SectionB 3a-selfcheck.第5课时课件

An experience that made me very happy was winning the nationwide English speech competition last year.
At first, I didn’t know what to write for my speech, but after talking to my teacher and reading some books, I had some ideas and started writing. Then I practiced my speech many times. On the day of the competition, I saw many people there. This made me feel very nervous. I started to worry that I would forget my speech. Then I remembered what my teacher told me – close my eyes and take deep breaths. I did that and it made me feel much better. When my turn came, I gave my speech with confidence.I waited anxiously for the results, and when I heard that I was the first prize winner, I jumped up and down in joy.This experience taught me that being well-prepared is very important. It helps to read a lot, and also to ask people around you for advice. Most importantly, have confidence in yourself !

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